Web design strategy - planning for success

Thinking about the big picture

Strategic design helps us learn about our clients and their customers, and solve their problems systematically. The more we’re able to understand and break down their problems, the better we can design great solutions.

Defining success

Defining a clear objective for any project is paramount. Otherwise, we may as well be designing blindfolded. We can set you up for success, by focusing on what you — and your customers need.

The value of a goal

Goals give us something tangible to work towards. They create consensus at the outset of a project. When we are looking at different solutions, the goal acts as a compass. It lets us measure a design’s effectiveness.

Here are two straightforward questions to kickstart a project:

  1. What are your marketing goals?
    Perhaps you want to launch a new product. The challenges will be different than someone who wants to generate leads and acquire new customers. Different clients have different goals.

    Clients may have trouble articulating their situation, or they may have several competing needs. In that case we try to prioritise what’s most important, then build on that. A strong foundation is always best for your business rather than a thin coat of paint.

    Once the primary goals are set, we have a baseline to measure the effectiveness of any work.

  2. Why do you think you aren’t meeting your goals yet?
    This question helps us understand any of the challenges your brand is facing. It also gives us a broader understanding of the market you’re in.

Getting to know the brand

As part of any project it’s important for us to get a deep understanding of a client's brand.

Brand values

Most brands have some guiding values that convey their identity. These may be captured in a brand guide, or inside the owners head. In any case, an understanding of what they are helps simplify our decision-making process.

Existing collateral

Next it makes sense to look at as many pieces of collateral as possible and get immersed in the brand. This includes social media, email newsletters and physical assets like car graphics and building signage any touch point that customers connect with is useful.

User research

An important part of any business are your customers. We always try to talk with any customers, company marketers and sales reps. This helps us find out what really matters to your customers, understand their goals and pain points.


Now that we’ve laid the foundation we can start on the design for your project. Our brand and user research helps us eliminate ideas that won’t work so we can focus on ideas that matter.

We focus on ideas that meet your business objectives and the goals of your customers and we always make sure it ties into the look of your brand, simple.


After we’ve designed a solution, you get to test and suggest any changes, we will always ask the big ‘why’ though. Why do you think it doesn’t work, why do you think it’s not meeting your goals? If it doesn’t, we optimise.

In closing

Strategic design begins with a purpose. It covers your brand identity, UX (User Experience), and the creative process. While a strategic approach may involve more work upfront, it will save us big time in the long run helping us make sure we create a website that adds real value. Ultimately, this leads to better results for you and your customers.


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