How moving house is like redesigning your website


We’re currently in the midst of selling and moving house, consumed by all the chaos and hard work involved. Stepping back and looking at all the steps I realised it is a lot like Redoing your website.

Moving house and redoing a website have a lot in common. How so you say? Well, both require a lot of planning, preparation, and organisation to make it all as smooth and painfree (yeah right!) as possible. Keep reading to find out more.

1.Start by sorting and decluttering:

Before moving, you need to sort through your belongings and declutter to determine what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of. Likewise, before redesigning a website, you need to sort through the existing content and decide what to keep, update, or remove.

2.Organising and packing

Packing for a move requires careful organisation including sorting, labelling and packing in nice easy to find boxes. Organising a website also requires careful consideration of the structure and layout of the content, to ensure that it is easy to navigate and use.

3. Planning and strategy

Moving house requires a plan for how you will get from one location to another, as well as a strategy for unpacking and settling in. Will you hire a moving company or try to do it yourself? Maybe you will box it up and they will pack and move.
Redesigning a website requires a plan for how the new design will look and function, as well as a strategy to ensure that the transition is seamless and that the website is still functional during the process.

4. Execution, implementation and adjustment

Once the planning is complete, it's time to execute the move or redesign.
This involves physically moving or implementing the new design. Inevitably things may go wrong, boxes will be dropped or lost, pages may be moved to the wrong place so making any necessary adjustments along the way is important. Be like water as Bruce Lee would say.

5. Enjoy a fresh start

Now it’s time to settle in to your new home or website and enjoy the change.

Moving house and redesigning your website both require careful planning, professional help, and a lot of effort. But in the end, you get a bigger and better abode that suits your needs and helps you grow.

Enjoy the journey.


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